Eddig is volt pár megoldás, amellyel így úgy össze lehetett haxolni a Front Row progit más (nem inteles így) nem támogatott gépekre is. Ez többnyire nehéz körülményes, applescriptes módokon ment, és így többnyire nem lehetett alapból billentyűzetről vezérelni se. Most egyetlen kis progi segítségével, a megszokott telepítési móddal elérhető egyszerűen a legfrissebb Front Row telepítése, úgy hogy a System Preferencesbe beépülve hangokkal, billentyűzetkombinációval lehessen vezérelni. A leírás angol nyelvű, de szerintem érthető és és előszóként én is mondok hozzá pár dolgot.
Először is ugye letöltöd az Enable nevű progit, majd nem másolod össze vissza az image fileből megnyitod. Közben már leszedted a Front Row legfrissebb (most 1.2.2) verzióját és a pkg filet kirakod az asztalra. Ekkor elindítod az Enable progit és az első menüpontot választod, majd ha error nélkül lefut akkor a másodikat. Ez megpatcheli azaz a telepítőn változtatásokat hajt végre. Ekkor telepíthetjük a már megváltozott kis Front Row telepítőt, ami az asztalon van. Ezt felrakva újra kell indítani a gépet (Core Image-t nem támogató gépesek ne ijedjenek meg ha eltűnik a fenti menüsor jobb oldala, olvassák végig a leírást). Ekkor még nem fogjuk tudni használni a Front Row-t, de már fel lesz telepítve. A System Perferencesen belül megjelenik a billentyűzeteknél a gyorsbillentyűknél egy Front Row rész, ahol be tudjuk állítani milyen billentyűkombinációra induljon a Front Row, a hangoknál pedig hogy a menüknek legyenek-e hangjai. Ha ezzel megvagyunk. Újra indítsuk el az Enable progit, FONTOS különben nem fog menni a cucc. Megint mindkét menüpontot futtassuk le. Majd megint restartoljunk. Amint feláll a rendszer máris a beállított billentyűzetkombinációra indul is a Front Row.
Na akkor most nézzük mennyivel többet kell csinálnunk azoknál a gépeknél, ahol nincs Core Image support (többnyire a 64Mb-nál kevesebb VRAM-ot tartalmazó gépek). Ha megpatcheltük az installert és fel is tettük akkor azt fogjuk tapasztalni hogy a system preferencesben a hangok beállításánál, és a billentyűkombinációk beállításánál ki fog fagyni a System Preferences, és a felső menüsor jobb oldalán az óra stb. eltűnt. Nem kell megijedni. Ugyan úgy újra futtassuk le az Enable progi két menüpontját újra, de mielőtt rebootolnánk le kell szednünk a 10.4 es rendszer legújabb combo updatet és két könyvárat újra felinstallálnunk a gépünkre. Fontos, hogy csak ezt a kettőt updateljük, és ne az egészet. Ezzel elérjük, hogy a nem feldolgozható részek kikerüljenek. Ezzel csak annyival kevesebbet élvezhetünk a végleges restart után, hogy nem tudjuk felülbírálni a Front Row indító billentyűzet kombinációt így marad a default alma-escape. Ennyit erről. Nagyon jó kis cucc. Most pedig lássuk a hivatalos teljes angol leírást.
How To Install Apple’s Front Row 1.2.2
Thanks to the latest version from Apple, Front Row an now be installed on any Mac running Mac OS X 10.4.5 or above. Front Row 1.2.2 corrects issues with watching movie trailers and adds better support for song shuffling.
Enjoy your music, photos and videos from across the room and even across the house with the Front Row media experience.
Disclosure: This website (”AndrewEscobar.com”) is not authorized by nor affiliated with Apple Computer, Inc.
Important! Before Installing
If Front Row is being installed for the first time (there is not currently a working version of Front Row on your Mac) carefully follow the steps bellow.
If you have previously installed Front Row using Enabler and are simply upgrading from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2:
- Only complete steps 1 and 2.
- Enabler has already patched to two system files needed and they do not need to be patched again.
- Do not complete step 3 if you already have a working version of Front Row that was installed using Enabler.
- Mac OS X v10.4.5 or later
- iTunes 6.0.4 and iPhoto 6.0.2
Warning: This process is not supported by Apple Computer, Inc. and may result in unintended damage to Mac OS X.
1. Download Front Row from Apple
According to Apple:
The Front Row Update delivers overall improved reliability and compatibility for browsing music, photos, and videos on your iMac.
Download Front Row 1.2.2 from Apple’s website.
When the download completes, open the disk image and copy the file “FrontRowUpdate1.2.2.pkg” to the Desktop. It must be copied to the Desktop. Don’t run the installation just yet. At this point if you try running the Update Installer package, you’ll get this error:
This software update requires a Macintosh with a built-in infrared (IR) receiver running Mac OS X 10.4.5 or later.
Front Row’s usability is not dependent on an infrared receiver, and in fact runs well on recent Macs (past 3 years or so). If you are confident your system is capable, you can chose to skip the hardware check using Enabler 1.2.2.
2. Enable Installation
- Download Enabler 1.2.2 The file (Enabler.dmg) is a disk image that needs to be opened.
Warning: This process is not supported by Apple Computer, Inc. Some users who have not followed these instructions carefully have had there toolbar items temporarily disabled and unavailable.
- Next, run “Enabler” from the disk image. (That is, don’t copy it to a different folder and then try to run it, as it has to be run from the disk image.)
- Select the “Enable Installation” button and authenticate with you password.
- “Front Row can now be installed”
- Open FrontRowUpdate1.2.2.pkg located on the Desktop and proceed with the installation.
- Restart.
3. Enable Front Row
Once you’ve restarted, though its been installed on your Mac, Front Row still needs to be enabled with two small patches because Mac OS X checks to see if your Mac has a built in infrared receiver. Even without an IR receiver, Front Row still runs fine because it can be controlled with the keyboard in-place of the Apple Remote (other remotes work too).
- Having rebooted, again open the Enabler.dmg disk image.
- Run “Enabler” from the disk image. (That is don’t copy it to a different folder and then try to run it, as it has to be run from the disk image.)
- Select the “Enable Front Row” button and authenticate with you password. ( This process patches Mac OS X system files. If you try patching the files when they are already patched, they will be corrupted and you will have to restore them to the originals).
- Restart.
4. Set Front Row Preferences
You now have a fully working version of Front Row. Open System Preferences though, to see why this method really shines. You have a full control over Front Row’s preferences.
Keyboard Shortcut
Open the Keyboard & Mouse preference panel. Under the “Keyboard Shortcuts” tab, ensure that Front Row’s shortcut is check-marked. The default keyboard shortcut to “Hide and show Front Row” is command-Esc but you can change it by double-clicking on it. I have it set to F11 along side my Exposé and Dashboard keys.
Sound Effects
Open the Sound preference panel. There is a new option under the “Sound Effects” tab to enable or disable playing Front Row sound effects. (While most are all great, the silly flute sound when you select Music from the main menu drives me insane.)
5. Enjoy Front Row
The default keystroke to launch Front Row is command-Esc.
- Command-Escape – default to show and hide Front Row
- Option+Up/Down – set volume
- Enter or Spacebar – select menu, playlist, song, movie, etc.
- Escape – go back to previous menu/screen
- Tab – quickly return to desktop (or any other keys really)
Besides the Apple Remote, the Keyspan RF is the only remote of those I’ve tested that requires no installation and is completely compatible with Front Row.
Review: Keyspan RF, Front Row Remote Solution
Price: $30.99, free shipping
Verdict: ★★★★★
Highly Recommended
Manually Uninstalling Front Row:
- Delete Front Row (/System/Library/CoreServices/Front Row.app).
- Download the Mac OS X 10.4.6 Combo Update from Apple.
Use Pacifist to open the updater package and select and install only these two specific files (folders):
Fix Missing Menu Items and Crashing System Preference Panels:
If you mistakenly attempt to patch the system files more then once (as in hitting the ‘Enable Front Row’ button multiple times) you will end up corrupting two important files. Mac OS X will then have missing menu items and the Keyboard and Sound preference panels will crash when opened. The fix is simple:
- Download the Mac OS X 10.4.6 Combo Update from Apple.
Use Pacifist to open the updater package and select and install only these two specific files (folders):
/System/Library/LoginPlugins/BezelServices.loginPlugin/ -
Restart. You may not need to restart if you see the changes/fix occur immediately.
Tips On Using Pacifist
- Mount/open the MacOSXUpdCombo10.4.6PPC.dmg disk image.
- Open the package file MacOSXUpdCombo10.4.6PPC.pkg with Pacifist from the disk image (insure that it is in fact the combo update).
- Select the Find button and enter “BezelServices.”
- Under the Search Results panel, select the folders BezelServices.framework and BezelServices.loginPlugin.
- Select the Install button located in Pacifist’s top-right corner.
- If prompted by Pacifist, select to replace all files.
- Restart.
Technical Notes
In this process BezelServices.framework and BezelService.loginPlugin are modified, but only by a few bytes each. The boolean string that reports if the boolean property “HIDRemoteControl” is true or false is inverted. (This is why it is recommended that Enabler not be run on new Macs because it would return false.)
BezelServices.framework contains _BSRemoteControlFeatureAvailable which is called by any Application that uses the new remote, including Front Row and the preference panes. I decided to change this instead of patching Front Row, Keyboard.prefPane, Sound.prefPane and Security.prefPane themselves. This will also fix any new applications or Front Row updates that rely on the remote (As long as the framework itself isn’t replaced). Patching this framework enables the new preferences and allows Front Row to run.
BezelServices.loginPlugin (which is what listens for the brightness controls, volume controls, etc.) has its own call; _HIDMonitorRemoteUIToggle. This too checks for the remote and toggles Front Row once cmd-esc (or the Menu key on the remote) is pressed. It also allows Front Row to load when command-esc is pressed then idle in the background once done. Front Row only loads the first time you activate it, as opposed to loading at boot.